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Tuesday, 20 October 2009

My Breaking Heart

So today I attended a lecture entitled history and sociology of atrocity crimes. While a very interesting topic to listen about, it was also very depressing. Why do we live in such a world where mass killings is so prevalent? Santayana must be spinning in his grave. We talk about how we have learned from past situations and yet such atrocities still go on. Maybe it's because there are totally new motivations for killing? But how can one justify the killing of an entire tribe or people for the sake of profit. For example, I believe the tribe is called the Akuntsu, who live in Brazil. All but a handful of women and an elderly man have been wiped out. All for the sake of logging rights. LOGGING RIGHTS!!!! We talk about progess in the world and yet all I see is theprogressive movement toward killing each other. We talk about how humanity is so diverse and yet each day we are decreasing this diversity. Sure I've made jokes about ethnic superiority, but in the end how can one ethnic group be truly superior if they are the only ones left. Eventually, we will probably find ways to divide people within one ethnicity and start killing in the name of those differences. and eventually, the human race will be nothing more than,inbred freaks, who probably won't survive much after that. Is that what we want in this world? Is that how the human race is going to end? The most popular idea from evolution is the idea of survival of the fittest. Frankly, this idea doesn't seem to apply to humans. As an evolving species we want to be able to spread our genes onto a procreating next generation. Yet, we keep finding ways to ultimately prevent such acts. Is this what humanity boils down to? Complete self-destruction? I found myself heartbroken after the lecture today, but in a way that's a good thing. It is only through brokenhearts can we see our own self-destruction. It is through this brokenheart that I realize that there is hope in this world. For surely, I'm not the only onewhose heart has been broken will continually break. It is my hope that all of humanities heart will break upon realizing their own self-destruction. Only then can we fully repair them.

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