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Saturday, 12 December 2009

Reflections as the first term comes to an end...

So we just turned in our last assignment in for the term on Monday. Yay! I guess. then we find out that we have three assignments due early next term and oral presentation. argh. It's kinda funny. by this time last year I had a few grey (gray?) hairs in my head. Yes grad school is a lot of work but I don't seem to be feeling the stress like in undergrad... that's good and all but I kind of miss the motivation that stress can provide. Plus I'm kind of missing the theory involved with archaeology. To much "practical" information and not enough theory. However, practice cannot be acheived without theory to help interpret it. Yeah you can quote me on that. Yeah, think about it.
So Friday was the Xmas Social. It was fun, sorta. I mean I had a good time but felt I really didn't do anything. Not really opening up. Maybe it's because the whole big party scene is not my thing. oh well. at least i got to hear the Con Sci anthem. Interesting... to say the least. Speaking of Xmas, so I read the other day about Obama getting a "holiday tree" for the White House. So there are some hardcore rightwing christians who talk about how the country is going to hell for not celebrating the christian-ness of the country and that there would be no Christmas tree without Christmas. To them I call bullhonkey! I'm pretty sure the idea behind the Christmas tree like many other traditions surrounding Christmas came from pagan rituals. So in fact "Holiday Tree" is a more appropriate name. Now I'm just ranting... I'll rant on other stuff in a later post, I promise. :)
Speaking of Christmas, this is going to be the first Christmas away from home/family. it's sad. everybody I told of my plans are sympathetic. oh well. at least my brother is coming over, hopefully. whatever...
Lately I've been thinking a lot about death. I guess that doesn't come to much of a surprise; afterall, I am dealing with death in my area of studies. But it's making me question a lot about life and religion... during my time at Notre Dame, it was nice having people around me who were so faithful to their beliefs. However, unlike many I started to question my religious beliefs. I'll admit that I was a pretty religious person going into ND. However, when leaving I wasn't so sure. Now being immersed with issues of death (and going to a secular school), I'm becoming more unsure of what to believe, yet at the same time somethings are being reaffirmed. I want to believe that there is something out there. but sometimes my thoughts just scare me. However, there are things in this world that do comfort me. Mainly music. Yes, you can try explaining it with science but ultimately science really cannot explain it at all. Music tells me that there is something greater. It unifies us, it is universal, yet so different. So in the end, can I say music is my religion? at least music is my proof of some greater thing. Of course, I mean good music - no country and hardcore rap :)
On a lighter note, I need/want a haircut.

1 comment:

  1. Yim-bi-di-bim! Nice post. ("I guess" -Yim) I know what you mean about it being the first x-mas away from the whole fam.
